
Moving Made Easy

Apartment Connect has found you the perfect Apartment Home.

You have signed the lease, scheduled the move in date and now it’s time to move.


Moving day can be a daunting task, but with some planning and organization, you can make the process much smoother and less stressful.

Here are some suggestions to get you started.

  1. Create a moving Checklist and Inventory
    Make a detailed checklist of tasks that need to be done Before, During and After the move. Include items such as obtaining packing materials, packing, notifying utilities, notify the Post Office of your new address and scheduling a moving truck.
    Have a Baby Sitter and/or Pet sitter set up for moving day. Moving day is not only stressful for parents, but it can also be stressful your children and/or your pets. They can slow down your move and not be happy while you are trying to get things situated. Don’t hesitate to call in those favors of relatives or trusted friends to care for your children and/or your pets while you devote your time to a smooth and successful move. Ensure utilities are set up for move in day, put in change of address with post office for correct date. I know it’s time consuming, but preparing your inventory list in advance will help save you the headache of scrambling to find things or worse yet, not realizing an item is lost or left behind, until it’s too late. Make your inventory by room, Living Room, Kitchen, Main Bedroom, Kids Rooms, Study/Office, Bathrooms, Storage. Clean your old place before leaving, and make sure everything is in order.
    Keep a list of all your belongings and check it off as items are loaded and unloaded. Have snacks and drinks for moving day.
    Notify Important Parties- Update your address with Post Office , Utilities, and any relevant Institutions. Inform friends, family, and important contacts of your new address.
  2. Declutter:
    Take this opportunity to declutter your belongings before packing. Don’t bring what you don’t need. Donate or sell items you no longer need or will not fit into your new home. Less clutter, Less Stress.
  3. Start Early:
    Begin packing well in advance to avoid last-minute stress. Pack items you do not use frequently first, and leave essentials for the last.
  4. Label your Boxes (lots of labels)
    Even if you are a super organized person, you still have no control over how the boxes will move around in the rental truck or get unloaded into the house. Unfortunately, things will get shuffled around but that doesn’t mean you’ll have to wait until everything is unpacked to find what you are looking for.
    Clearly label each box with its contents and the room it belongs to. Mark all sides of box with permanent markers so it doesn’t have to be moved to be read. This will make unpacking so much easier. Always BOLDLY label if something is fragile and needs to be handled with care. Keep extra labels and markers on hand with you throughout the packing process. Anticipate the unexpected. You think you have everything covered but you might need to put a last- minute box together that you not counting on.
  5. Moving Day and Essential Boxes:
    Get a good night’s sleep before moving day. Packing a box or boxes of essential items will help you get through your first night and the next morning in your new place. The last thing you need to do is to be tearing open boxes looking for the toilet paper, or the kids favorite blankie or being forced to go out shopping for toilet paper on the first night in your new home. Save time by marking each box of immediate needs with the name of the person or pet it belongs to. These boxes should be last- on and first- off the moving truck. USE BRIGHT STICKERS TO HELP IDENTIFY THEM QUICKLY.

Here are a few suggestions for your Essential Boxes

  •  Toilet paper and hand soap to set up when you arrive
  •  Paper towels and cleaning supplies to clean countertops etc.
  •  Paper cups and plates are a help that first night
  •  Snacks and plenty of water to fuel the driving and unloading process
  •  A shower curtain, shower curtain rings, bath towels, wash cloths, and small trash can
  •  Your bedding, pillows, plus clean sheets, etc.
  •  Any toiletries and/or prescriptions that you’d bring for an overnight trip (don’t forget that hairdryer)
  •  Clean pajamas and a change of clothes for the morning
  •  If you have children or pets, pack them their own box, not forgetting their favorite snacks, toys or favorite blankie.
  •  Pet food and their dishes.

Unpack the “Essential” boxes first and put everything away to make your first night comfortable. Now- pick up the kids and the pets to welcome them to their new home that is put together and not stressful. Thank your friends or relatives for their help. Get some dinner and relax.
You are “Home Sweet Home”.